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Security Upgrades



An old property doesn't have
to be a weak property

Whether you would like to fit anti-snap locks to your premises, or need to improve the robustness of your windows and doors, Britannia is here to help.

Whether you have old style windows that you feel could be compromised easily, or a front door that has seen better days, you can improve your security without altering the traditional feel of your home. This is especially important on Listed Buildings, where the look and feel of a property is paramount.

a uPVC window a jar open looking out to a garden with trees


Improve your home security today

To discuss the options on improving the security of your home, contact me on: 


a person using a screwdriver to tighten up the security of a window frame

Improving uPVC windows and doors

While these stylish and modern fittings have many great features, they are often seen as weak points for break-ins. Doors especially feel quite light and flimsy, and there are many options to improving the security and robustness of a front door or a patio door, so they cannot be easily forced.

A wide range of security upgrade options

Britannia Locksmiths is your go-to expert for security upgrades. Whether you're interested in anti-snap locks or reinforcing the robustness of your windows and doors, we offer personalised solutions to enhance the overall security of your premises.


Britannia Master Locksmiths LTD is registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number 5876126.